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Guide to MyGermanDictionary - overview

Last updated on: 1st August 2024

If you have any additional questions, suggestions or you want to report a bug, please send an email to

About this site

This site is made for students of the German language. The idea behind the site is to allow every user to build their own German language dictionary by doing lessons.

Users prepare lessons for themselves. They can copy a piece of text from the Internet (a news article, song lyrics, subtitles for a movie, really anything you find) into a lesson. They can read the subtitles, for example, while watching a movie in another window. Or they can read the song lyrics while the song is playing on YouTube. As they find an unknown word, they can add the word to their dictionary.

Note: Your lessons are not shared with other users, only you have access to them. The site has no mechanism to check if any kind of copyright exists for the text you paste into your lesson. Nevertheless, please follow your local copyright law and use only content that you are allowed to use.

The dictionary that the user builds serves as a source of data for practice tests. These tests help you remember your added words. Also, it is always nice to see your word count grow, and that number can serve as an indicator of your success on your path to learn the German language.

This is a user oriented platform, so you are able to download all your words and use them as you please. Check out the "Terms of use" for more information.

To be able to build your own dictionary, you must log in, of course, since every user has a personal dictionary. To log in, you can use the available online authentication services (currently a Google account) or you can register with your email. If you don't want to log in, you can still use the German language course (without building your dictionary) and Flashcards (without your personal dictionary as a word source).